Myanmar Government to issues citizenship scrutiny cards to migrant workers

29 July 2015
Myanmar Government to issues citizenship scrutiny cards to migrant workers
Myanmar migrant workers employed on fishing boats unload fish in Phuket, southern Thailand. Photo: Barbara Walton/EPA

The Myanmar Government will begin a survey of its citizens in Thailand in order to issue national citizenship scrutiny cards to migrant workers with temporary Thai residency, the Labour, Employment, and Social Security Ministry said Tuesday according to a report in the Global New Light of Myanmar on 29 July.
In its statement, the department said it had already formed 5 regional supervisory teams and 21 data collecting teams consisting of people who can speak Thai, Myanmar and local ethnic languages to conduct door-to-door surveys and visit factories and construction sites.
The department has urged more than 1 million migrant workers and their dependents to cooperate with the teams.
The temporary residency cards are due to expire in March 2016.