Book highlights conflict, complexity and climate change in post-coup Myanmar 

Book highlights conflict, complexity and climate change in post-coup Myanmar 


A new book just published looks at the confluence of conflict, complexity and climate change that provide challenges in post-coup Myanmar,

“Conflict, Complexity & Climate Change: Emergent Federal Systems and Resilience in Post-Coup Myanmar”, written by author and Burma expert Ashley South examines the many problems Myanmar faces in the wake of the 2021 military coup.

Speaking at an event in Thailand, Mr South told the audience of the difficulties Myanmar faces today, exacerbated by climate change and the floods and droughts that annually beset the country.

Mr South argues that “the disruptions of climate change will further drive the disarticulation of the state of Myanmar, which was never perceived or experienced as legitimate by many ethnic nationality citizens, especially those living in conflict-affected areas.”

He noted that in the absence of credible and legitimate state authorities in Myanmar following the coup, with the State Administration Council junta pillaging the country, EAOs and CSOs are key climate change actors. 

“EAOs and other local stakeholders in and from Myanmar have globally important roles to play in mitigating climate change through nature-based solutions,” he claims. 

Mr South has 20 years’ experience as an independent author, researcher and consultant. He has a PhD from the Australian National University, and an MSc from the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, and is a Research Fellow at Chiang Mai University.

The latest bush follows publication of “A New Look at Federalism in Myanmar” published in 2022.