Urban guerrilla groups detonate bomb in Yangon’s North Dagon township

07 August 2022
Urban guerrilla groups detonate bomb in Yangon’s North Dagon township

Urban guerrilla groups detonated bombs in front of the Electric Power Corporation office and the Military Council’s guardhouse situated in 37 Ward, North Dagon Township, Yangon on 4 August at about 11 p.m.

There could be casualties after one of the hand-made remote-controlled bombs exploded, according to a spokesperson for one of the groups.

“Our task was to be divided into three parts. However, due to the heavy rain, it didn't perform as intended and only one explosion occurred. We think there will be lots of casualties but we can’t confirm yet,” a leader of Human Rights Defenders (HDR) told Mizzima.

The attack was carried out by HDR and its allies Generation Z Defense Force (GZDF) and Supply Army. After the mission, the urban guerrilla groups returned home safely.

Militant actions in Myanmar’s commercial capital have been stepping up over the last few months.