Two fighter jets bomb KNU territory

28 March 2022
Two fighter jets bomb KNU territory

Two fighter jets bombed villages in Kayin (Karen) State’s Luthaw Township in Hpapun District, at around 2 a.m. on 27 March, according to the Karen National Union’s (KNU) Mutraw News.

The KNU said that an old high school compound in Debuno village and Htee Lay Kwi village in Luthaw Township were hit.

Schools and some houses were also damaged in the attack.

The attacks were carried out on 27 March, Armed Forces Day in Myanmar.

KNU 5th Brigade has frequently come under attack from junta fighter jets. The KNU shot at and damaged a junta military reconnaissance helicopter on 25 March, according to the KNU.

The KNU says that the military junta is committing human rights abuses and violently repressing the people of Myanmar, including ethnic minorities.

Because of this 27 March, Tatmadaw Day (Armed Forces Day), is a sad day for the people, according to the KNU.